敬邀參加109年12月9日(W3) 轉譯學程專家演講 李岡遠 教授/雙和醫院研副院長

敬邀參加109年12月9日(W3) 轉譯學程專家演講
主講人:李岡遠 教授
講 題:From aberrant inflammation to repair and regeneration- An Evolutionary Perspective on COPD
時 間:109年12月9日(W3) 13:00~15:00
地 點:大安校區 B2 B203會議室
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Special Lecture

Speaker: Prof. Kang-Yun Lee
Date :2020-12-9 (Wednesday)

Venue: B203, B2F, Daan campus


Research Interests: 

Epigenetic regulation of inflammation in airway disease

Cancer Immunology

Tumor microenvironment

From aberrant inflammation to repair and regeneration
– An Evolutionary Perspective on COPD

COPD has great impact on human health, which is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. It is believed that chronic inflammation is central to the pathogenesis of the disease, causing progressive and irreversible airflow limitation. The inflammation in the airways and the lung is chronic, amplified and self-perpetuated with poor response to glucocorticoids. Although large efforts have been made to develop anti-inflammatory medications, particularly kinases inhibitors, none of them has promising results. Other directions including the epigenetic, anti-oxidant, specific immune abnormality (e.g. Th-17, Tc1, ILC1…) are still struggling. In addition to inflammation, other pathogenetic mechanisms might also have implication, in particular repair and regeneration. We currently focus on air pollution-induced emphysema and has identified novel players in the pathogenesis of the disease, such as Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITIH4). In this talk, the evolution of the concept of COPD pathogenesis will be reviewed, which will point to a new direction of treatment of COPD.